Building Strong Teams

Looking for the secret to higher productivity, employee retention, and great customer service?

  • Understand how you are hard-wired first

  • Learn how your coworkers operate best, and why

  • Maximize your strengths as a team

What would you say about your team?

“There’s a gap in the communication and cohesiveness between the people in the office and the people in the field/in the shop/driving the route.”

“We have a team member (or two) who displays excellence in their area of work, but is kind of a pain to get along with.”

“We’re a strong team, but we could be even stronger by creating a strengths-based culture.”

If any of these sound like your team, let’s talk!


Next Level Leadership 8-Month Learning Series in Truckee, CA

September 2024 through April 2025
Registration Now Open!


Susan Giacobazzi

(SOO-zun JACK-uh-bah-zee)

Hi, I’m Susan.

I help teams deflate the drama and get along, so they can get back to work. I use a powerful framework that includes the CliftonStrengths personality assessment, and good old fashioned conversation.

Did You Know?

Teams that received strengths-based development have achieved:


increased profits


fewer safety incidents


lower turnover in high-turnover organizations


increased sales

per Gallup's meta-analysis of 1.2 million individuals and 49,495 work units in 45 countries

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! I work with individuals as well as with teams. Not only will I help you determine goals around your career path and other decisions in life, but we’ll use your CliftonStrengths results as a resource to see how YOU are motivated and what roadblocks are likely holding up your progress. We’ll also explore how your hard-wiring aligns with what you want to do when you grow up - no matter what decade of life you’re in!

  • Confidence at work comes from a combo of using your natural strengths every day, and sharpening those skills that are unfamiliar to you. For some people that means getting used to using email and meetings as the primary source of communication, and for others it’s about navigating the change in relationships as you shift roles in the org chart.

  • My hope is that each of us is ideally working towards being the boss of our own life, no matter where we are in the org chart. You will not be hearing the latest leadership buzz words out of my mouth. That’s just not how I roll. When we work together we’ll likely discuss finding power in your own life - at work and at home. Sometimes this means speaking up for yourself, and sometimes it means learning to be quiet so you can be a good listener. I don’t know about you, but the kind of leader I would want to work for is someone who recognizes their own opportunities for growth, and walks the talk of putting in the hours toward becoming the best leader and the best human possible.

  • The answer is, “Yes!”. If you’re in the Tahoe/Reno area, we’ll work together in person as much as possible. I love live and in person workshops, and some employees who aren’t typically on Zoom all day, are more comfortable with one-on-one meetings in person. However, Zoom provides an easy way for us to jive our schedules, and definitely has its perks. I have some teams who always work remotely, and who I have never met in person! However we choose to work, we’ll make sure it’s a good fit for you and your team. And did I mention I love to travel?…

  • As the stats above imply, strengths work is a shortcut to getting more done and keeping your employees and customers happy. Great communication means fewer mishaps and do-overs for you to deal with. Consider it an investment in the long game. An overflowing plate usually means one of three things...your organization is growing quickly, your job description needs to be tweaked, or you could use some help streamlining the way you work. Maybe this is a good place for us to start in our work together - finding space in your schedule for the things that you value.

  • CliftonStrengths is the rebranding of StrengthsFinder that happened in 2015. It is the same assessment that has been developed over the past forty-plus years. Gallup’s research shows that the strengths results from your first assessment are the most accurate. The re-testability of the assessment is mind-blowing (as in, if you take it on a different day, your results will be remarkably similar). If you are part of a work group that has been asked to complete strengths with me and you have previous results, sign into your previous account on and “share” your results with me. If you no longer have access to your previous email, or have other issues, contact Gallup’s 24/7 line at 1-888-486-9104. If you only have your Top 5 strengths, contact me so we can unlock your full 34 list without you having to take the assessment again.

Book a Consultation

We’ll talk about your team, and your unique needs.